Administrative Offices: (620) 364-2010

Bubble Machine

Gridley Branch

  • Our bubble machine can generate over 20000+ colorful bubbles per minute with 26 spinning wands, 2 fans & super built-in motor. Enjoy endless fun for kids in parks, yards, playgrounds, and lawns.LED lights also create a magical atmosphere at night.
  • Our bubble machine is lightweight, portable, and equipped with a separate sealed bubble solution bottle, eliminating the issue of traditional semi-sealed bubble machines leaking.It can be charged in three ways: plug in with an adapter (not included), use a power bank, or insert 4 AA batteries (not included). Enjoy bubble play anytime, anywhere.
  • Made of durable ABS material, this kids bubble machine has been tested for child safety and complies with all US toy safety standards (CPSIA, CPC, ASTM). Our bubble machine is safe and reliable for kids, toddlers, pets, and adults.
  • The ultimate outdoor toy and the best birthday gift for toddlers aged 3-5 years old. Colorful bubbles create a wonderful atmosphere, making outdoor playtime even more enjoyable. Join the bubble craze and make memories that last a lifetime.Great gift for weddings, birthdays, parties, and special occasions.


Place Check-Out Request

You may only check out items when you account is in “Good Standing.” Otherwise, you may only place the item “On Hold” until items preventing your account from being in “Good Standing” are cleared.  You must also pick up and return the item to the branch where the “thing” is located. The Coffey County Library courier cannot transport the “thing” between library branches.