Administrative Offices: (620) 364-2010

Chipping Golf Practice Mat

New Strawn Branch


  • Chipping Mat & Sticky Balls with Golf Club: The chipping golf mat set is suitable for kids aged 3-12 and adults of all skill levels, this set includes a large mat (measuring approximately 6 feet long and 5 feet wide), 20 sticky balls, 6 ground stakes, 1 golf club and one chipping mat.
  • Perfect for Party & Family Games: Go for the Win! Enjoy your competitive fun, each player takes turn to aim for their chips, and strike to the marked scoring area to get the most points, and wins. The adult and kids outdoor games are brightly colored with a central goal and obstacles. Shoot for the center for the most points. Just beware of the sand traps and water .. Those are negative points.
  • Golf Game & Toss Game: Not only is the chipping mat great for golf, but it can also be used as a toss game toy. It’s easy to store and portable enough for kids to set up on their own. Made of durable fabric and sticky material, the mat presents a realistic putting green for players. The balls are solid enough to shoot, but soft enough not to cause damage to walls or indoor fixtures.
  • Premium Quality: Made of durable fabrics and sticky, the chip golf mat, with fine-lined woven construction and washable material, presents a realistic putting green for the player. The mat can be used in the backyard or inside the house. The balls are solid enough to shoot but soft enough not to cause damage to walls or indoor fixtures.
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