Administrative Offices: (620) 364-2010

“Third Place” is a term coined by college professor Ray Oldenburg.  The idea is that the first place is your home and the second place is your work or school.  Oldenburg suggests the hallmarks of a true “third place” are:

  • free or inexpensive;
  • food and drink, while not essential, are important;
  • highly accessible;
  • proximity for many;
  • involve regulars – those who habitually congregate there;
  • welcoming and comfortable;
  • both new friends and old should be found there.



Each Coffey County Library branch strives to be that place by allowing/offering drinks, comfortable furniture, games, and technology.  We also coordinate special events, host meetings, and provide a hangout for students after school.  The branches are quite often open longer public hours, in a convenient location, than most other places in each town.

Are third places important?  In light of the current times, they are still very important for adults and youth.  When seeking your third place you have choices, however, the library staff hope you’ll consider your local branch library as an option in each town of Coffey County.


~Mary Davies, Administrator