Administrative Offices: (620) 364-2010

Ladder Toss Game

Gridley Branch

  • EVERYTHING YOU NEED: Set includes 2 targets with score trackers, 6 rubber bolos, carrying case, and rules
  • FASTEST ASSEMBLY: PVC targets are pre-glued so assembly takes under 2 minutes
  • KID FRIENDLY: Soft rubber bolos are kid-friendly and great for indoor use; The extra thick rope prevents tangles
  • PREMIUM CONSTRUCTION: PVC tubes are 50% thicker than the leading economy set and include score trackers for easy scorekeeping
Place Check-Out Request

You may only check out items when you account is in “Good Standing.” Otherwise, you may only place the item “On Hold” until items preventing your account from being in “Good Standing” are cleared.  You must also pick up and return the item to the branch where the “thing” is located. The Coffey County Library courier cannot transport the “thing” between library branches.